Coming from out of town to house hunt? Ditch the hotel room. Stay at a neighborhood short term rental!

Posted by on Tuesday, August 18th, 2020 at 8:43am.

 If you’re travelling from out of town to look for homes in Jacksonville, we’ve got a great way for you to get a feel for the neighborhoods while your searching. There are some great options available for short term rentals, so can immerse yourself in the Jacksonville way of life, and get a sense of what it’s like to live and work here.

For example, here’s a great way to experience living in one of the most and historic areas of town. Avondale has some of the most diverse architectural landscapes in Florida, with one of the largest collection of early 20th century-built bungalow houses in the state.

This Avondale AirBnB guest house would be a great option. Better than a hotel, you’re living the life right here in the neighborhood.

For information about short term renatls for out of town home shoppers, contact us! 

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