QR Codes. "Scan me!" is the new "Call us now!"

Posted by Donny Mak on Wednesday, November 16th, 2011 at 1:00am.

By: Alan Aptheker

QR = Quick Response, and  it’s Quickly Catching On

Remember “Call us now!”  Well here we are at “Scan me!”  The QR Code is clearly beyond the early adopter stage.  QR codes have that “it” factor today in real estate. You’re a real estate consumer,  and if you were interested in learning more about a house for sale, and the flyer box is empty, or there is no on-site information (flyer boxes are becoming more rare, by the way)., scan it, and see what you get. Many consumers are carrying the internet on their smart phones, so why not use it? Another great example of great use of a QR code -- you walk into an open house, you’re greeted by the realtor, and you want to look around and get a feel for the place. The property brochure on the dining room table has a QR code. Use that to access and view the floor plan,  features the agent may not have time to show you, as he or she is helping other visitors. Technology – embrace it.  It’s here to stay. 

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